Monday, September 23, 2019

X-PERIENCE written by Sheldon Manoo (August 1992)

X-perience come give some X
Yes x-perience me want some X
X-perience come give me some X
Yes X-perience me want some X-perience
Yes seX-perience me want some X-perience
What a life, what a turbulence!
Me fell for you at first glance
Me want to take de chance
To have romance
And a woman by meh side
To control meh life
You gotta see what yuh doing to me
Especially in me weet weet dreams
So come give me X-perience
Come give me some seX-perience
Oh X-perience me want some X
Yes seX-perience me want some X-perience
X-perience you gotta give me X-perience
Yes X-perience girl give me some seX-perience
Just you and me girl in de mix
From after 12 to half past six
Not so hard not like licks
It would be some gentle sticks
Me know you a fi love its
You and my body go flex
And it wouldn’t be no kinda hex
No me won’t make you vex
When you and I have sex
It would be de best X---------------------perience
Oh baby X-perience, me need X-perience
X-perience me know you got plenty X-perience
So X-perience you got to show me some sex
Oh yes X-perience you need to give me X
X-perience me need to atleast get X-perience

Oh how me want to love you and touch yuh body
Cause me do and that is truly
And if any man afi do it after me
And me find out me won’t make you unhappy
Cause me love you true, true love never die
You will keep raising me up high
Me will love you till de day me go
Me love you, me love you even mo
Than anyone has ever loved yuh
My loving is like ah pro
Look ah doh want to go wid de flow
Me cyah ever let you go
But if you choose otherwise and left me
Just doh take de best ah me
And give me some X-perience
Give me some X-perience, oh X-perience
Give me some of your seX-perience
Although your love is what me really want
I also want to be an experienced one
So give me some X-perience, give me some sex
X-perience me want some experience. YEAH!

CHAMPION WINER written by Sheldon Manoo (August 1992)

In her pump um shorts people bawl “O lawd”
When she start to wine she make dem fellas ‘ard
She let her bottom spin round and around
Moving to de beat in de sound
She go wine low almost reaching de ground
Just spinning she bumsee like ah top
Others try but they just fall down
She is de winin’ cream ah de crop
She go move fast she fo move slow
Whole night she on de dance flo’
            Champion winer
            Please wine for me
            Champion winer
            Wine leh meh see

Champion winer you are de champion winer
Your body flow with every feature
Since yuh cyah be meh one, yuh cyah be meh love
Yuh cyahnot be de girl me thinking of
Cause our life can’t match together
I’m a singer, you’re a dancer
Hope you understand de comparison
And maybe too you don’t want to be me one
So this wouldn’t hurt me or you
Just do what you can really do
            Champion winer
            Please wine for me
            Champion winer
            Wine leh meh see

Girl wine yuh waistline, wine it in time
It’s de best thing to do, for me to enjoy you
Wine yuh body down, wine you are a champion
Wine cause you wine finer, wine you’re de champion winer
Me say wine yuh body, wine yuh body, wine yuh body
Wine champion just ah leh meh see
Wine yuh body high, wine yuh body low
Wine anyway tha yuh want to show
Wine, you ar fi wine nicer
Wine cause you’re de champion winer
Wine cause you wine spectacular
Wine miss champion winer
Wine, you ar fi wine for ever
Wine you are de champion winer
Oh yuh legs so thick yuh almost make me eyes pop
The way you wine like you do it non stop
Just wine yuh body for me,oh wine yuh body fuh me-ee
Would you just wine your sexy body
Cause champion you are de champion
In de wining chart you ar de number one
So come fling yuh leg and wine for me
It’s as close as we could ever be, oh
            Champion winer
            Please wine for me
            Champion winer
            Wine leh meh see
            Champion winer
            Please wine for me
            Champion winer
            Wine leh meh see

FREEDOM written by Sheldon Manoo (1999)

Come from the dark age and into the light
Stop doing wrong things and do what is right
We are the children and we are the world
Don’t let your hatred control your soul
We are all colours and we are all sizes
No need to carry out those dumb exercises
I hate hate
That ain’t great
I can’t wait
To eradicate, it
            Why the force can’t we be free?
            What have you got against me?
            Shove your hatred aside that’s past!
            We are the future, we’re gonna last!

I see every colour
I see every dream
I feel every feeling
Don’t you treat me mean
No matter where you came from
No matter where you been
We got a destination
Where every one is free
I hate hate
That ain’t great
I have faith
We exterminate it
            Why the force can’t we be free?
            What have you got against me?
            Shove your hatred aside that’s past!
            We are the future, we’re gonna last!

Go to your closed mind and open the door
Your ignorance we need it no more
How many more times must we sing this song?
Before you hard hearts stop doing wrong!
We are all free to serve who we might
To not chastise each other and do what is right
I hate hate
Hate ain’t great
I debate
We terminate it
End all of this!   SOLO

Come from your false world and learn what is real
We all bleed red and all of us feel
I hate hate
Hate ain’t great
Let’s forsake
And never rebate it
            Why the force can’t we be free?
            What have you got against me?
            Shove your hatred aside that’s past!
            We are the future, we’re gonna last!

            We are together and we stand as one
            Racist can’t stop us from having fun!

OUR LOVE written by Sheldon Manoo (1999)

Never seemed that life was worth living for me
Standing on the edge of suicide hill
I could have jumped into the black abyss
Those thoughts plagued my mind up until
 Until you rescued me from sure disaster
  Showed me your smile and life got better
   If you’ll allow me I’ll hold you for ever
    Our love is a diamond that I’m gonna treasure

            Our love
            Sweeter than music
            Our love
            Brighter than sunshine
            Our love
            Superbly splendific
            Our love
            Yours and mine!

Well I never knew the power I held in me
I never thought I could be someone’s fantasy
I was just living my life, living for the moment I was in
Had a few boys who laid me down, mama said I was living in sin
 I never thought I was special,
 Until the moment I held you, you made me feel that way
  Now you call me your angel
   You make me want to save your soul everyday

            Cause our love
            Some kinda magic
            Our love
            Make life worthwhile
            Our love
            Specially terrific
            Our love
            Pure as a child!


F:         This life’s full of lost souls
M:        I used to be one of them
F:         But when love comes to your world
M:        It’s a cure to that problem
F:         We were both out of touch
            We both wanted so much
M:        And now we have each other
            Well nothing else don’t matter

            Oh our love
            Deeper than oceans
            Our love
            Stronger than steel
            Our love
            Sweetest emotions
            Our love
            A pact that’s sealed, Oh oh, Oh oh
            Our love
            Our reason to live
            Our love
            Everything we need
            Our love
            Something to give
            Our love
            Our future’s seed.

IN TWO YEARS written by Sheldon Manoo (1999)

Oh California, big big city in the U S of A
That’s the place she went to yesterday
She’s going away to study a two year course
But I know no one studies all the time over shores
There’s the beauty of the beach
And all the people she will meet
In two years

And now summer is fading on the California seas
I’m alone here in the dark in my room in the West Indies
And she could be out there walking on the ocean just exploring her home for the next two years
And I don’t even know if she made any friend as yet
She won’t call and a letter won’t reach me tonight
Why did I have to let her out of my sight?
For two years

Oh how deep I miss her
I didn’t even get to kiss her
And I won’t for two years
I know I’ll cry some tears
It’s hard to believe I’d have to go this torment
For two years

When it hasn’t even been a day yet and I’m facing all these fears
I wonder how it will get, if she will change, in two years!


I know I’ll love her just the same maybe more
Than I ever did before
But people will keep telling me
I need a substitute till then
But I know I’d prefer to be lonely again
In two years I won’t change at all
I’ll just be waiting here for her with open arms
But I’m scared to know that maybe she would fall
For someone else and be captured by his charms
Cause she never quite really said she loved me
I guess I’ll know
In two years!

You Civilised Humans (Paper Revolutionary Epilogue) by Bro. Book)

You humans only thirsty for money
No respect for nature, no respect for history
We trees produce materials for your early transportation
You know, it's from we you craft your first canoe, from we you built ships
The breeze rushing through my leaves make sweet music
You humans show no appreciation
Only destruction
What about reproduction?
Ah was walking through the Square
Ah bounce up a brother!
He come hustling the I for a dollar
He start a conversation
How he from the mental asylum
But rastaman, Ah know You could understand!
A Table tell a chair how dem civilised humans evict we off we own land
We plants have no rights we too weak to fight but dem bullies have human rights
I from mahogany
You from the teak tree
We comfort the human family
But those humans like pity
Who destroy us mercilessly
Never thinking about fertility
A Table tell a chair how dem civilised humans evict we off we own land
We plants have no rights we too weak to fight but dem bullies have human rights
I hope you understand this education not free
It's time you make a contribution
I gave a donation
I was very interested in that furniture conversation
A Table tell a chair how dem civilised humans evict we off we own land
We plants have no rights we too weak to fight but dem bullies have human rights
A Table tell a chair how dem civilised humans evict we off we own land
We plants have no rights we too weak to fight but dem bullies have human rights
We trees provide vegetation for you civilised humans
But you show no appreciation
Million dollar tycoon with slash and burn plan
Destroy we before we could even bloom
A Table tell a chair how dem civilised humans evict we off we own land
We plants have no rights we too weak to fight but dem bullies have human rights
Check civilsation
Human killing human
Then label the innocent wild indian
Using nuclear energy
To kill plants and humanity
We should conscentrate on fertility
And make planet earth more safe for we
A Table tell a chair how dem civilised humans evict we off we own land

We plants have no rights we too weak to fight but dem bullies have human rights

Brother Book is a legendary Trinbagonian artist, considered the Rapso Poet, the Optician of the oral Rapso Spoken Word tradition, a community activist, an educator and game changer.
written by Hollis Peters.

Dance on Flames of Tomorrow (Paper Revolutionary Part 11)Written by Sheldon SB Manoo (12/02/09)

Dissident skies bequeath kindness to fallen trees
Down under the stars wail at the agony of victory
Superpowers cringe at a baby's tear
As intrusive senescence obtrusively share
Perfidiously our sovereign beckon our ideals
For remissions of the aberration we generously steal
The harbinger hankers for a motivational harangue
With conscious less philosophers who opaquely argue
For if not the soil beneath the earth

Where instigates botanical rebirth?

The Trees (Paper Revolutionary part 10) by Rush

There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas.

The trouble with the maples,
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made.
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade.

There is trouble in the forest,
And the creatures all have fled,
As the maples scream "Oppression!"
And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights.
"The oaks are just too greedy;
We will make them give us light."
Now there's no more oak oppression,
For they passed a noble law,
And the trees are all kept equal

By hatchet, axe, and saw.

Rush is a Canadian Progressive Rock band, with intricate musical arrangements and intelligent lyrics.
(written by G.Lee, A. Lifeson,N.Peart)

The Mutiny (Paper Revolutionary part 9) written by Sheldon Manoo

Hell Froze
when the sun bent to kiss the star that
cried when the moon lost it's heart
the time when the flood drowned
the plankton that fed the
demons that protected the
angels who were

Heaven bound.

Colors Of The Wind (Paper Revolutionary Part 8) From The Movie Pocahontas

You think I'm an ignorant savage
You've been so many places, I guess it must be so
Still I cannot see if the savage one is me
How can there be so much that you don't you? You don't know
You think you own whatever land you land on
Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You learn things you never knew
You never knew
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once never wonder what they're worth
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
And the heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle in a hoop that never ends
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
or let the eagle tell you where hes been
can you sing with all the voices of the mountain
can you paint with all the colors of the wind
can you paint with all the colors of the wind
How high does the sycamore grow
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper - skinned
We just sing with all the voices of the mountain
Need to paint with all the colors of the wind
You can own the earth and still
All you'll own is earth until

You can paint with all colors of the wind.

From The Soundtrack of the Blockbuster Animation Movie Pocahontas written by Schwartz, Stephen, Menken, Alan and performed by Grammy Award Winner Vanessa Williams

Flowers From The Earth's Core (Paper Revolutionary Part 7) written by Sheldon Manoo

Germinated from the solar light of reason

To rejuvenate a fire that burns the darkened crust of insensitivity

The unforgivable flaw of the seed of  existences' progenitor

Embattled with internal sabotage and a self-key-thrown captivity

Vandals ripped the fruit of its' nutrient

To feed the self doubt of imaginary contentment

For when the waters of tyranny cleansed the soul tainted

By the re-generator who painstakingly stride against the current

The golden heat now forges a circumstance

The dark oppression does not languish the fertility

That spreads a consciousness to the monocotyledon

To sprout a hope that never was commissioned originally

THE ENCHANTED FOREST (Paper Revolutionary Part 6) written by Sheldon Manoo





Not Even The Trees (Paper Revolutionary Part 5) by Hootie & The Blowfish

 Alone as I sit and watch the trees
Wont you tell me if I scream will they bend down and listen to me
And it makes me wonder if I know the words will you come
Or will you laugh at me
Or will I run
Little boy says to me,
Where you goin' now son
I said, I don't know where I'm goin' boy
I only know where I'm from
And it makes me wonder
If the stars shine when my eyes close
Or does my brothers heart cry
I don't know
I'm a stranger in my home
Now that everybody's gone
Someone please talk to me
Cause I feel you cry
And you're sitting with him
And I know Ill never see you again
Lying down in Charleston under the Carolina sky
You see I'm tired of feeling this pain
I'm tired of living my own little lie
And it makes me wonder
When I see you in my dreams
Does it mean anything
Are you trying to talk to me
I'm a stranger in my home
Tell me are you feeling alone
Someone tell me what to do
cause I'm feeling strong
And I wonder how you feel
Do you realize my pain is for real
I see you in my dreams
And I wonder if you're looking down at me
And smiling right now
I wanna know if its true
When he looks at me
Wont you tell me
Does he realize he came down here
And he took you too soon
And now my days are short an my nights are long
I lay down with memories of you keep that keep me going on, going on
It makes me wonder as I sit and stare
Will I see your face again
Tell me, do you care
I'm a stranger in my home
Living life on my own
Right now I just cant see
cause I'm feeling weak
And my soul begins to bleed
And no one is listening to me, not even the trees

Hootie & The Blowfish is an American alternative rock band who has one of the top selling albums in American music history "Cacked Rear View" the song was written by band members credited as Bryan/Felber/Rucker/Sonefeld

Ecocide Written by Earth Crisis (Paper Revolutionary Part 4)

Silenced in the roar of the flames.
After the screams and the dying, nothing remains.
Desecrated, slashed, burned to the ground.
In the frenzy of greed, cries of protest are drowned.
The earth dies - ecocide!
The earth's forests laid forever to waste.
Thoughts of the future trampled in their haste.
Corporations with their dollar sign focus ravage the amazon
like a plague of locusts.
Plumes of black smoke ascend into the sky.
A forest of beautiful creatures senselessly dies.
Smoking fields of devastation left in mankind's wake.
With populations left to grow and greed they justify this rape.
(The power of the dollar) can't take precedence
over the inevetable detrimental consequence.
The time to react is long overdue,
From protest to confrontation by me and by you.

Earth Crisis is a vegan/environmental/social activist punk metal band, the members who contributed to this part 4 of Paper Revolutionary are Ben Read,Michael Riccardi,Karl Buechner,Scott Crouse,Ian Edwards,Dennis Merrick and Erick Edwards

Fro Proximate Sietel: The Inter-connectivity of the Revolutionary Tide (Paper Revolutionary 3) by Sheldon Manoo

Still wind wrestle with the wistful bloom
To reclaim a future laid to waste
Verbena permeates the vengeful battleground
Where the tears/blood/sweat leaves a sordid taste
Nature's war keeps her a vigilant prisoner
For the trees must provide oxygen for the plant

Hardly realizing that the plant excretes poison to the tyrant


These words will whip like the winds blown from the future
The tree sends a time portal leaf back to its' plant
To warn the botanic kingdom
That the revolution must not wait

As you read do you feel the intensity of the electronic simulated paper?
Does your conscious awakening perplex to a slant?
Have you formed an opinion?
Did you mash the grass as they contemplate?
Change will come but it hasn't gotten better
Only if the leaf of hope gets its' wish 'grant'
There'll be contentment for the generations

With the auspicious task to populate


I must read this
For these words did not come from me
These are the shouts of THIS piece of paper
These are the qualms of the Paper Revolutionary
For scholars, thinkers, poets, philosophers, prophets
They write their innermost anguish
That their environment whipped to their soul
They document everything
Some memorize what they document
And use these words of revolution for fame
For fortune, favour
And other F words
But had I the arms I would punch on the faces of the transgressive oppressors
Till their conscience bleed
And the world be washed
By their bitter blood
I would not be the bearer of words of freedom
And equity
And hope of justice
I would kill the cause of crime
Not the rippled effect
Not the street child
But the king in the castle who allow the demons to roam the land
To rape the minds and tarnish the souls
But I am PAPER and my revolution can only be witnessed by the literate few
I am PAPER and easily burnt by the false fires of Human's INhumanity

Paper Revolutionary Part 1 :AN APPRECIATION FOR PEN N' PAPER

(I ALWAYS FEEL I HAVE THE PERFECT SONG) written by Sheldon SB Manoo 1993
Well from ever since I could remember
Two things are pen and paper
They're like the mark of me and
Things I keep close at hand
I remember when I was a boyee boy
Playing with the fellas having joy
Girls were like our opponents
There were things I didn't understand yet
But as I grew older as we all do
Of course as per usual I learnt some new, ideas
Philosophies and other things
That's the reason I'm living
When I see people in trouble and it seems they can't get out
I put my pen to paper and write some ways out
When the world has war
When children's hearts are sore
When I get an idea in a flash
A set of words on paper I stash
Cause I always feel I have the perfect song
This is my appreciation for pen and paper too
Think of all it's done for me and you
Well I remember when a girl caught my eye
And I feel she had to be by my side
I would put some lyrics on paper owh sweet words
Feelings that I think she never heard
I'd say I'd just show them to her and she'd jump for joy
And of course after I'd be her only boy
But I never get 'round to giving it
Though the chances came time and again
Hey maybe I shoulda
And now I'd have her
But foolishness and being shy
Really held down progress of this guy
Cause whenever a situation arises
I write down some nice lyrics
These words really help me along
Cause I always feel I have the perfect song

Yes for everything I have the perfect song

Monday, September 9, 2019

LITTLE ANGEL written by Sheldon Manoo (1997)

Didn’t you come down from Heaven?
Did you come here for me?
Have my wish been granted?
Thanks God! Yeah I’m happy!
So did you come to save my heart,
From the cold and the dark!
Did you come to my rescue?
May God bless me to keep you!

            Oh little Angel, come to shine for me
            Stay here real close, be my light eternally
            By my love, little Angel
            And I will respect you
            And I will protect you
            And worship the ground that you walk on, next to me
            Little Angel, my little Angel
            Watch over my soul

Your beauty it beams when my world is dark
To ignite my mind, give warmth to my heart
And I never been in love;
Until I felt your touch;
And you weren’t even close to me,
Your spirit reached out to mine;
That gave a clear, clear sign;
Of where we both should be,  oh oh

            Oh little Angel, come to shine for me
            Stay here real close, be my light eternally
            By my love, little Angel
            And I will respect you
            And I will protect you
            And worship the ground that you walk on, next to me
            Little Angel, my little Angel
            Watch over my soul
   I have never felt something so strong before
   How could a small person like you have something so powerful?
   When I been calling all my life for someone to come help me,
   With just a stare you do it all!


I guess you come down from Heaven,
Not fallen from Grace
God sent you to me
To guide my life safe
Little Angel, my little Angel!

EXPOSED TO LOVE written by Sheldon Manoo (1997)

And if you ever held her
You’ll never want to let go
Cause her body’s so tender
And her heartbeat feels so good
Never knew her story
She never cared to talk
She said I make her happy
So let’s take a little walk
             Take a little walk

And she took me to her hideaway
And took off all her clothes
I closed my eyes and turned away
She said please don’t go
Put back on her clothes
Said, “Thought that was what you guys wanted”
I said, “Well , maybe there’s more to this!
Or maybe I’m just stupid”
She said, “Will you marry me?”
I said, ”Why the heck not!”
Then she kissed my hand, Said
“And I need to learn a lot”

Well now that she got me under her skin
And she’s got me where no one’s ever been
Knowing all her secrets
Knowing all her fears
Never understanding why when we make love
She always cries those tears
She’s so so fragile
She’s a sweet sweet child
And she never really says I love you
And she never ever does anything
She never want to go anywhere
When I come home after work
She’s always sitting there
She smiles and just hugs me tight
Always saying I won’t cry tonight
But she always do


And if you ever get her
You’ll never want anything else
But no one will ever get her
Cause I’ll never let her go
I guess I understand her
And why she acts this way
Her history got no memory
Of love for any day
So now I know that she
Has never been exposed to love
But I’ll never give up
Until she starts trying
Until she stops crying!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Nobody Cares What You Think and Swinging Love Demo Ideas

NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK written by Sheldon Manoo (1997)

You have seen the darkness shine
You never read the danger sign
But you pushed on!
Said you’d be king for a year
Said it’s destined, said it’s clear
So you pushed on!
Said your words all in a shout
No one knew what you were talking ‘bout
You just pushed on!
Well the world it has changed
But the same you have remained
You never pushed “ON”

            Well the children all have grown
            They have ideas of their own
            And they all search for a missing link!
            And the people all are cold
            So you can’t change the world
            For nobody cares what you think!

            Nobody cares what you think!
            Nobody cares what you think!
            They don’t care what you think!


            Well the signs have broken down
            It’s just another old ghost town
            And the secrets are all extinct!
            And this used to be your home
            You tried to save it on your own
            But nobody cares what you think!

            Nobody cares what you think!
            Nobody hears what you say!
            They don’t care any way!

Then came the day of deliverance
It was a day of significance
So you pushed on!
Knew you had to take a stand
The supply there wasn’t in demand
You had to push on!
Now it’s cold and lonely again
Can’t find yourself not one friend
Still you pushed on!
Well no one has use for you
Ask yourself what must you do
You can’t push on!

SWINGING LOVE written by Sheldon Manoo (2004)

(What cha gotta do, you gotta do it now)2x
If you can’t do it, must be done somehow
Ah one, two, three, never count past four (2x)
Love you like I never been in love before
What cha gotta say, you gotta say it loud
What cha gotta say, you better say it loud
Be brave, be strong, show you’re proud
Sis, seven , eight, you know nine’s too late (2x)
But if you living love you gotta keep the faith!
            Swing it to the left, Hey swing it to the right
            As long as I got you, I can swing all night

And whatever you feel, I hope you feeling fine
Yeah however you feel, I hope you feeling fine
And I don’t have a clue when you close your mind!
            Swing it to the left, Hey swing it to the right
            As long as I got you, I can swing all night
            (Guitar solo)

What cha gonna try, got to try it fast
What cha gonna try, Hey try it fast
Times like this don’t ever seem to last
Yeah one, two, three, don’t count past four
One, two, three, don’t count past four
I know I want you more and more and more
What cha gonna sing, you better sing in key
What cha gonna sing, you gotta sing in key
Cause not everybody will get away like me
Ten, Eleven, Twelve, It’s time to stop (2x)
Oh no no no, gonna take it from the top!
Well!    Swing it to the left, Hey swing it to the right
            As long as I got you, I can swing all night
And whatever you did, I hope you did it well
Yeah what it is you did, I pray you did it well
Don’t do it the way to land you in hell!
Yeah!   Swing it to the left, Hey swing it to the right
            As long as I got you, I can swing all night
            Swing it to the left, Hey swing it to the right
            As long as I got you, I can swing all night
            (Piano solo)
            (Drum solo)

{What cha gonna do? (I’m swinging love)}10x

Boop Boo Boo Badoop
Bap Bi Bi Bi Deep!