Thursday, June 30, 2016

THE BEST OF THIS SITUATION written by Sheldon Manoo (1998)


It was love at first sight
or a deep admiration I felt for her
And it was one of those nights
when I was feeling like I should be with someone
And our paths kinda crossed
and we spoke a while
Said we'd share a drink
which turned into five
She was feeling so drowsy and her head was pounding from those drinks that we had.
I found myself holding on
I found my walls weakening
I found my head in a turmoil
I found my tongue promising
That I was gonna be there no matter what
And I've always stuck to my promises
Maybe I was more intoxicated than I thought
But I got to face it all now,
Three weeks have passed since that incident
And tomorrow she gonna make me prove myself.... (musical interlude)

Well I didn't think that you were gonna come,
giving the circumstance, that's mature of you
I told you all about my son, he's with the children in the playroom
I hope you don't mind I already ordered,
and you do look nice in that suit
Oh, look! here comes my boy!
Don't you find him very cute?

Oh yeah he looks just like you!
So what am I supposed to do?

Just act natural and talk to him,
He's a really really smart lil' kid

Hi mum, I'm hungry now!
Is this the mister you told me about?
My name is Mark, it's nice to meet you sir!

Well Mark, it's good to meet you too,
Orr, here comes the food!          ....................... (musical interlude)      

Well mummy I sure had a nice time
Thanks Mr Sheldon for the hat and the bat and the games that we played
I sure wish we could do it again
Goodnight mum, goodnight Mr Sheldon I'm going to bed now.

Don't forget to brush your teeth and wash your feet and say your prayer,,,,
(short music break)
Oh it was really great of you,
I'm sure Mark had a wonderful time,
If only his father would do that!

Hey don't you worry that kid is tough
He is gonna be just fine
You seem to be the more shaken
But don't let these proceedings cloud your mind
Don't let it shake your soul and dampen your spirit
I'm willing to go thru with what I said
Though I know it's gonna be kind of weird
Let's just base it on a friendship for now
You need a shoulder to lean on
He needs a pal to depend on
And though it will be kind of awkward for me
I'm gonna make the best of this situation, oh. ....... (musical solo)

Well now that the whole trial is over
You got what you wanted and I got the weekends
Maybe it's all my fault
Maybe we both should take a little blame
But we're not the ones who'll be troubled
How's Mark gonna adjust to this?

Don't you fret, he's gonna be OK
This whole thing it's taking a toll on all of us
I didn't want it to come to this you know
I guess I waited too long for you to make a change
But now we just got to go on
You and me are no longer a unit
Who gets the friends, it doesn't matter
I've got one who will be around
And we both have our time with the boy.

It's not enough my part of the deal and you know that
Your lawyers were good and you sucked me real dry
But I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to cope with these new adjustments
Where I can be thrown in jail for trying to see my son during the week
I mean I never hit you or so,
Why you make it so I can't come around then?

Maybe it's about me and all the let downs I've gotten from you in the past
Maybe I don't want to be around you any more
I still care for you though but the love is all dead
Just don't mess up our son's head like you did mine..... Solo

Honey I'm always gonna be there to guide you on your way
If you have a problem my dear
Your mama is always here
And if you need a man to talk to
Mr Sheldon is there for you too  
Just like your dad will try to help you out
But he won't be coming round as much
Oh I hope you understand all this
I just love you so much
I just love you so much

Oh mummy, I love you too
I think I understand what you're saying
I know daddy won't be coming home to sleep anymore
Or during the week any more
But it's alright Oh Mama it's alright
You will always be there!.......musical interlude

Now son I want you know that I love you
Though I won't always be there to show it
And sometimes when you really need me and I can't make it
Please don't hate me for that
You see this situation it's between your mother and I
And you are caught in the middle of it
If we both could take you away from all of this we would but we can't
So we're trying to make the best of this situation for you
That's all we wanna do!

Yes daddy I know that you care for me
I just wish it never happened
I just wish we could have stayed like all my friends' family
But Mr Sheldon is a really kind man
He takes me to places that you never did
But he always tell me that you're my father and how much you love me
And that I should always try to understand
That you and mummy are not together again but I still have you both
and yes daddy I love you!...........solo

Well can I buy you a drink?
Ah no man! I don't
Ah yes she told me about all the good things you are!
How you always keep your promises
And always there on time
You're all that she wanted
All I could have never been
Or never tried to be
Hey don't be so hard on yourself
You're not all that a bad guy
You just been dealt a bad hand man
Look I hope that we can be pals of some sort man,
cause it would be in the best interest of all concerned
I know you're going thru some tough times
Maybe you'd be glad to know that she put everything on Mark's name.
Ah speaking bout him, I like the job you're doing,
I love the kid, man! but just between you and me
I don't think I'm cut out to be a father
Maybe it's my history
I never had a dad
So I just don't know how to be a dad
I know I can never measure up to you
The way he talks about you, makes me feel like less of a man
But thanks for telling him to understand and
Thanks for telling him I love him
And take care of that girl she's gentle
Take care of them both for me
You got my blessings, man!
Well you know that means a lot to me
It sure would mean a lot to her
And it definitely means the world to him
All we got to do man is try to make the best of this situation.
Yeah I agree...................................SOLO

Well are we gonna past the test of time and endurance
You could this heart of mine for your insurance
I don't have to be afraid of this love
I don't see a reason you'll let me down
I know this is hard for you but you make it look so easy
Thanks for all you do, you please him and you please me
Hey the kid is a wonderful, brilliant boy
And you are the essence of my joy
There ain't no better place I could be
I love this life, I love this family
And your ex and me we get along well
He ain't gonna make your life hell
So we could rest assure and let life take it's course
You'd go through another marriage, not another divorce
Oh and Can we? Can we?
Can we have another child?
All three of us need something
To put an extra spark in our lives!.................(musical interlude)

Five years and two months away from our sixth anniversary
She has two children now and pregnant with my second
Nikki's my first and she's so very pretty
Mark loves his little sister so dearly
And his father has re-married and has a child of his own too
And I was the best man at his wedding
And he and Mark go out a lot
And me and Mark go out a lot
And we all go out a lot
And my wife is so very happy
And all her kids are all very happy
And I am so very lucky
To be loved by such a nice family
And I never want to see nothing ever cause them pain
I'm just trying my best to be that man I never had in my life
 Trying to be the model I never gad to look up to
I'm just trying to make the best times of our lives and the best of this


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