Saturday, October 15, 2016

CAROL written by Sheldon Manoo (1999)


She like to wine wine wine
She like to grind grind grind
She like to shake up she bam bam
She like to throw up she hand
Wail down de place have ah bacchanal
She like to jump like evryday is carnival
She like to sing and ting, is mas anyway she go
Party or workplace, oh gaw doh leh she hear calypso

     Her name is Carol
     And she's ah bacchanal girl
     Her name is Carol
     She in ar frenzy world
     Oh Carol jump and ting
     Oh Carol wine and sing
     Carol shake and do your ting
     Hear de steelband playing
     Carol ohhhh
     Carol oh woh

She like to play wile wile wile
Doh buss no style style style
She like to free up sheself
Pack all she problems on ah shelf
I know she love de Lord
More than she love to carry on
She like to move to de soca
See she for panorama
When dem band playing
See how Carol winning
She like she calypso, she like she soca too
She like de music yeah and she like me and you
See how Carol groove
Oh see how Carol move
See she shake and ting
See how she moving
She's ah rel Trini gyal, she like to have good fun
She doh play sheself around, she just like to carry on

     Her name is Carol
     And she's ah bacchanal girl
     Her name is Carol
     She in ar frenzy world
     Oh Carol jump and ting
     Oh Carol wine and sing
     Carol shake and do your ting
     Hear de steelband playing
     Carol ohhhh
     Carol oh woh

Like how other girls carry wrong demselves
Jumping and winning on everybody else
Well she doh do dem kinda ting
No she is not that type ah girl

Well de music can play whole night
And if somebody not feeling alright
She like to see dem lighten up
She doh wah to see yuh smile stop
But is nuff respect for her
Doh leh she geh vex with ya
She go hang with woman and man
She always have ah good party plan
And Carol is surely de kinda girl
Who like to see ah better world
So wen she wail and wen she wine
She do it all to free she mind
And en she wail and wen she grine
She do it to pass some time
carol is sweet and she is nice
Carol mix with sugar and spice
But she could be like fire and ice
If yuh ain't go pay yuh price
Some say Carol isa tomboy
But she can give womanly joy
When carol go in ah party
Everybody eyes dey fall on she
Cause Carol shake like ah shak shak
But she doh behave so slack
Any dance could get lively
As soon as Carol walk in
Dis is ah story about a girl and..

     Her name is Carol
     And she's ah bacchanal girl
     Her name is Carol
     She in ar frenzy world
     Oh Carol jump and ting
     Oh Carol wine and sing
     Carol shake and do your ting
     Hear de steelband playing
     Carol ohhhh
     Carol oh woh

So if de worls ketch on fire and everybody going an dead
One other person Ah know fuh sure who ain't behaving dread.. Is Carol ah ah ah
Dis world is jes ah playground and we all must play we part
But we must play right not wrong and we must break nobody heart
And Carol she go say dat
Woh Woh she go say dat
See Carol in de place
See Carol mve she waist
See dem boys coming behind
But dem coming outa time
Carol go wine down so low and she go jump up so high
Yuh go tink she digging dirt, yuh go tink she going and fly
But Trinidad is ah place, jes one piece of de puzzle of dis world
And carol is ah part of dat piece and she is one very happy girl
So young girls why is it you hate yuhselves
Young girls why yuh do these tings tuh yuhselves
Yeah everybody like to have dey fun
But yuh doh have to have fun with more than one
And young boys why yuh behave so
It easier tuh just love one girl
Take an example from Carol
She know yuh cyah have it all
Just one girl in dis world........

     Her name is Carol
     And she's ah bacchanal girl
     Her name is Carol
     She in ar frenzy world
     Oh Carol jump and ting
     Oh Carol wine and sing
     Carol shake and do your ting
     Hear de steelband playing
     Carol ohhhh
     Carol oh woh

Ms American and Ms Jamaican
Ms Woman from anywhere
Yeah Ms Indian, Ms African
Any woman from out there
Don't be put down by den chupid man
Take a stand, Take a stand
Respect you and respect who respect you
Do de right ting you wanna do
Carol is just an example to you-ow
That woman have ah place in dis world too
And is not in de kitchen or de bedroom
It's doing anyting you wanna do
Listen listen to de soca music
If yuh want let your body use it
Dis is ah message fuh everybody
Someday de world gonna be free
Free from all ar dee sin
Free from all de doubting
Free from de hate and rage
Free from dis crazy stage
Cause I sure dat everybody
In your heart you believe
And I know dat Carol tink dis too
She's why I sing dis song for you
Cause I know music is your freedom
And I know yuh go love dis song
So rant rave get something and wave
Shout if yuh want, in yuh place
Just keep believing dat someday
All eveils will turn away
The inspiration for dis song.....

     Her name is Carol
     And she's ah bacchanal girl
     Her name is Carol
     She in ar frenzy world
     Oh Carol jump and ting
     Oh Carol wine and sing
     Carol shake and do your ting
     Hear de steelband playing
     Carol ohhhh
     Carol oh woh

Everybody in my great island
Teach yuhself to love everyone
Jes be yuhself and be right
Yuh go see de guiding light
And Carol you could stay as you are
If yuh changing do it for de better
If yuh in ah taxi and dis song playing
If yuh working and dis song playing
If yuh partying and sis song playing
Dance if yuh dancing, sing if yuh singing
If yuh name is Carol and is ah good person
Tell everybody dis is yuh song

So wok up yuh waist, Wok up yuh waist all partying people
And wuk at yuh pace, Wuk at yuh pace if yuh working oh oh
Yeah go wid de flow, Go wid de flow if somehow yuh travelling
And chill and face de facts, Chill and face de facts if yuh jes relaxing
As long as yuh listening to dis song
Not just Carols-Everyone
Do what you doing, do it good
Praise your Creator as you should
Jes start to make ah better world for all we people coming nex
Whether you boy or girl, don't do tings to get others vex
Dis is one world we live in
We got to free ourselves from sin
And if de music is your rescue
Then dis one is for you
Just shake up if is Christmas time
Don't drink too much of dat wine
Or whether is jes ah late night lime
Jes know wen to draw yuh line
Or if is carnival in ah ban
If yuh is woman or ah man
Or if is las lap going on
Everybody jes have good fun
If yuh partying now
Listen to dis one>>>>>>> (DubChant- Party Party just party hey!
                                           Party ina ragalypso styley
                                          Wine and shake me say wine and shake
                                          Lift up ya leg and kick it
                                          Dance to de soca me say dance to de soca
                                          Listen up people come folla!
                                          Me say carol isa girl and she lived in dis world
                                          And me do dis song to remember ah soul so good
                                         There's not ah girl in dis world who cyah inspire me
                                         So me put pen to paper and scribe dis ah one fuh she!

     Her name is Carol
     And she's ah bacchanal girl
     Her name is Carol
     She in ar frenzy world
     Oh Carol jump and ting
     Oh Carol wine and sing
     Carol shake and do your ting
     Hear de steelband playing
     Carol ohhhh
     Carol oh woh
     Her name is Carol
     And she's ah bacchanal girl
     Her name is Carol
     She in ar frenzy world
     Oh Carol jump and ting
     Oh Carol wine and sing
     Carol shake and do your ting
     Hear de steelband playing
     Carol ohhhh
     Carol oh woh
      Her name is Carol
     And she's ah bacchanal girl
     Her name is Carol
     She in ar frenzy world
     Oh Carol jump and ting
     Oh Carol wine and sing
     Carol shake and do your ting
     Hear de steelband playing
     Carol ohhhh
     Carol oh woh

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