Monday, May 27, 2019

SETTLE FOR LESS written by Sheldon Manoo (1993)

How many love songs will one poet write tonight
Asking for a girl to come and hold him tight
I remember when I was younger and foolish
I would look to a star and make a wish
For the perfect girl
To be my world
A girl with the eyes as grey as Jeannette’s
A girl with the body something like Jeannette
And her personality would be something like Jeannette
After all Jeannette’s the best a man could get
But now many days are gone
Since both our lives been turned around
And if I had me a girl right now
You know it don’t matter any how
For I’d settle for less
Than the best!

Oh sweet Marisa
These days she works for the cable company
Went in to pay my bill
I knew she didn’t remember me
Oh how funny when time slips away
Only my memory is the one to stay
How I loved this girl back in school
All I am to her is another poor fool
But I’d settle for less
Anyone I can caress

And how hard is it to let go
Just when you think you know someone so
She had my most favourite name
But Sherry she didn’t feel the same
I thought she’d be the perfect one
She always was a lot of fun
I tried but it came to in vain
She made me feel bad with a little pain
But I’m not as cute as she said I was
And now I’d settle for less just because


And my darling Hannah with her pretty face
Will she take me seriously one of these days
And not for granted as she always done
Oh God I really need someone
And her dad is a pastor he can pray for us
Cause I know in God I trust!
But if Hannah doesn’t want to heed me
And if someone out there need me
I’ll settle for less

Kavita with the smile that can light a million worlds
An inspiration I hold so dear, so close
Well she don’t want me any longer
But I still long for Kavita
And if Michelle my angel won’t receive me
And there’s someone out there who won’t deceive me
You could guess
I’d settle for less

And as I said at the start of this song
I was foolish and I was young
Thinking these ladies were the best
And any other would be less
I have matured and have grown
Know much more than I had known
Every soul is a precious gift
That Our Saviour blessed us with
Without God love is deception
False notions and perceptions
The love I share is blessed and is best
For I did not settle for less
For as Crystal sparkles and shine
I have the best any man can fine
But there is still one more important thing
Jesus Christ the Everliving King
To truly pass life’s greatest test
Accept Jesus or you settle for less.

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