Tuesday, June 18, 2019

MUSIC AND POETRY written by Sheldon Manoo (1999)

            Poetry is de root of de musical tree
            It lies within everybody
            Ah say poetry is de root of de musical tree
            And is not only found in people like me
            Poets are de warriors of ah people’s conscience
            It is de force that drives musicians
            Poets are de warriors of ah peoples conscience
            And is de driving force for ah revolution!

You could write about love and write about peace
You could write about anything that you feel
You could write about problems facing society
And de way de government playing with we
You could take these words and make dem ah song
Wen you live yuh poetry yuh jes cyar go wrong!
            Poetry is de root of de musical tree
            It lies within everybody
            Ah say poetry is de root of de musical tree
            And is not only found in people like me
            Poets are de warriors of ah people’s conscience
            It is de force that drives musicians
            Poets are de warriors of ah peoples conscience
            And is de driving force for ah revolution!

I love music and I love it so much
When I’m bothered is my soul it touch
Say I love music I love it too much
Words to hold to like poetry as such
Say once when ah was ah young man trying to make meh mark in dis world
I would write ah song just to impress ah girl
And as de years pass and de world turn
I jes keep writing wit de more I learn
And now I is ah big man. Well something like dat
I am ah musician right down to meh heart
And when I sing something is something I feel
When I play my music my wounds kinda heal
And my songs have messages fuh all who heed
I hope in my poetry you find something you need!
            Poetry is de root of de musical tree
            It lies within everybody
            Ah say poetry is de root of de musical tree
            And is not only found in people like me
            Poets are de warriors of ah people’s conscience
            It is de force that drives musicians
            Poets are de warriors of ah peoples conscience
            And is de driving force for ah revolution!

Well leh meh tell ah story, leh meh tell ah tale
About another attempt that fail
There was dis gyal she was bright like sunshine
I thought somehow I could make she be mine
But she didn’t want to shine for me this time
So ah went home and write down some lines
Then ah took meh guitar and started to play
Make up ah song bout love gone astray
So who could listen, heed what ah say
Music and poetry help we find we way
            Poetry is de root of de musical tree
            It lies within everybody
            Ah say poetry is de root of de musical tree
            And is not only found in people like me
            Poets are de warriors of ah people’s conscience
            It is de force that drives musicians
            Poets are de warriors of ah peoples conscience
            And is de driving force for ah revolution!
            Poetry is de root of de musical tree
            It lies within everybody
            Ah say poetry is de root of de musical tree
            And is not only found in people like me
            Poets are de warriors of ah people’s conscience
            It is de force that drives musicians
            Poets are de warriors of ah peoples conscience
            And is de driving force for ah revolution!

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