Sunday, January 17, 2021

REALLY MAKES YOU THINK (LIFE) written by Sheldon Manoo (1993)



How was yesterday? It isn’t anything like tomorrow!

And always in your heart is there a trace of sorrow?

I remember when I was afraid of a lonely night

Now I’m still afraid but the reason is not the same as then

How things used to be with your friends and loved ones all around

And every time you tried to say the words you felt things just came out wrong


When you think that love won’t let you down

But it’s flowing like a river to an angry sea

That will turn your boat right over and sink it down below


And when you try to find the one you’ll need the most, it goes so bad

Cause many along the way just make you broken and so sad

We’re like a lot of things that we can compare but nothing comes near

But it really makes you think when you think about what you’re thinking now

And what you thought back then and what you will think when the future comes

And if you’d be able to think


And you hope you find your place if any and you hope that it is near

And songs will make you cry cause of the meaning of these words

And when you wake one night and go outside and look up at the stars

You see so many wonders and you wonder where you are

But sometimes you just can’t take it so you close your thoughts from you


But what you’re really looking for, you wonder if you’ll ever find

So you turn into the religion that you feel will clear your mind

But what you feel you wonder if you do and why do you do

And why are words the way they are and why can they do so much

Some say that words are wind and actions speak louder than they

But ain’t those words too that those people say


Sometimes you may wish you would die, sometimes you wish you were never born

But if you wasn’t there, there’ll be someone else with your personality and thoughts

Some say life is good only when you make it so but it’s bad even when you don’t

So why do people say these things when it’s your own life you live


And ain’t the first one to create something was inspired by the Lord

So what makes money the thing it is when God’s love is free?

And do we need a miracle when we know how life should be?

Everybody has a thought or way how they think they should do with life

Should they carry on or end it there, ain’t it their own decision

So don’t believe the church and everything that they say

Cause the truth is that the Bible has been misinterpreted along the way


And the past is gone, the future is to come, why don’t you just let go?

And live your life with peace and love in the way that you know

And why look to blame everything else when you could chose not to

Do the things that you don’t like but stuck between wrong and right



I can let my voice be heard while my piano sings aloud

In the night it don’t seem like the stars are way beyond the clouds

And why so far when we love them so and we would love to discover

So we imagine how they would be and maybe we are right


But the movie is like another life that just don’t seem so real

But it really makes you wonder when you try to break the seal

And science and technology, did it exist back in the past?

And if it didn’t, how since it came, can’t the world seem to last?

But it’s all lies cause the world will last forever, however long that may be

And in years to come I’m still around by my loving seed


And in another thousand years away there’ll be another someone just like me

Who thinks like I, it may be I but in those days then, they will see

And if this song really makes you think of life, then its’ purpose it has served

Cause I could go on and on adding lines with provocative words

But I will quit right now, take a rest, till I get the urge again

I think about just everything and I really miss some of my friends!



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