Saturday, January 22, 2022

THE CONFLICT BETWEEN (20,21/10/07) by Sheldon Manoo

A human comes to this existence
Not by a choice of their own imagination
Nurtured by love or negligence, depending on the structure of the nest
For the lucky one who still have breath after the age of infancy
Young minds develop inheritance of ideals
Whether healthy or unconscious

As a being a spirit force drives the engine known as breath life
So we are obligated to a spiritual creator as much as the flesh givers
We are part of a likeliness of images
And the reflections of these images projects a sense of belonging
So we are obligated to our image transcendence, prior to the age of innocence

During an explorative youthful bliss
Minds expand
To incorporate a value system
One from the boarding ground
One from the congregated ground
Sub-divisions of influences fractionate and subsets, causing compliments of the other
The teenage dilemma forces consequences that never forgives

Change is constantly changing

We stain our hearts when we stain our fingers, when it is instructed we are old enough to have a democratic right and a duty which obligates us to elect a leader of our destiny, as a collective
Our individuality is only a façade
For no friends exist where no money exist
As a civilian there is no civic duty
Only the officers have a civic duty
And their duty is to protect and serve
But who is served?
And who is protected?
Not the human who came without a golden spoon!

Somewhere in the inevitable national archive
There is a constitutional right for food, shelter, medicine, vitamins,
clothing, culture, art, poetry, music, drama, dance, religion, equal opportunity and a sense of pride
Though equal opportunity does not equal to equality

We are deemed defenseless against a corporation that we elevated to serve our needs
And their decisions jeopardize our lives and livelihood
Yet our complacency and devaluation has forged out the love of liberty from our consciousness
And a homicidal rate of over 200 of our image beings a year is accepted
For we are nothing but a statistical figure
Only numbers matter in this global economy
Not the contribution of one

An individual is given a cookie, a pat on the back and gifts
While the father of the nation and his minions, in their plastic smiles say in their mind
“Take what I give and smile slave smile”

There are moments when life is beautiful
The sun stars moon and the light of humanity is aglow
Nature doesn’t seem like she conjures tsunamis and hurricanes or even loud rain that clogs drain littered by careless lawlessness and blatant disrespect of a structural national 20/20 vision
Is there clean politics?
Serene Crowds
Smoke free
Drug free
If for one gathering of the runners of the electoral marathon for the trophy of rule
I can hear:
“Do not smoke!
Do not consume excessive alcohol!
Do not litter the beautiful ground!
Though we are called a party, your gathering here is not a party
You are here to be informed of our agenda, which is a benefit to you
You are here to give suggestions for the way we would run the affairs of your lives
And we would heed!”

A human has a significance that is created by their interpretation of the information they were given or have sought to find
Their reaction to actions that occurred in their presence
For proof have not been submitted in the general information category that humans can live forever in this form of earthen flesh, blood, bones and breath life
So the obligations end when the breath life expires from the bodily vessel that fades to dust or oil, depending on the environmental condition

There is nothing simple
There is nothing complicated

Some will excel
Some will fail
Some will come close to finding their specific answer

But ALL will face the conflict between the following obligations:
Environmental and

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