Saturday, February 26, 2022

WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYER written by Sheldon Manoo 22-25/12/2020

I can't love you if there are things to hate
But I love you because of my Faith!
I said Yes to Jesus as Lord of my life
The Heart of Jesus will be my guide!
And I will keep you in prayer
Even though I cannot be there
I will keep you in prayer
I pray that my heart is sincere
I'll pray for you
To accept Jesus too
And follow through!
There are many uncertainties in this life
Truth has been clouded by mankind
No other saviour has made a blood sacrifice
And lived in humble subjection to pay the ultimate price!
For our sins!
When you know better
You got to show better
I cannot be that unbeliever
When I experienced such miracles
When you understand
You must teach others and
You may not have learnt all the answers
But the Spirit of Jesus is practical
And nothing we think we know
Was not written so long ago
The Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth
Has the answers to heal all hurt
But if you hear and don't pay heed
You'll never find what you need
And if the Word you try to twist it
The ultimate truth will resist it
For that Word walked as Flesh
Who man has then put to death
But that Death was the Lamb of Sacrifice
For Salvation and Grace to enter our lives
You might label me as Christian
There is no hope in Religion
Jesus Saves and to understand that
Walk along His worthy path
Rituals and customs are for discipline
For mental and physical conditioning
The spiritual aspect is filled with love
Not fickle favour but deep enough
To love the ones who would betray you
And the ones who'll come to slay you
Jesus is no lottery ticket
He owned no bed or chair to sit
Possessions are blessings for Jesus's cause
Nothing in this world will ever be mine or yours
We fool ourselves incandescently
To believe excessive wealth will erode our misery
Jesus is The King of all the kings
His Kingdom is beyond these earthly things
If His is not the knowledge and wisdom you seek
All you own just makes you weak
The only strength that is worth your time
The spiritual strength in Jesus you find
And it is not to late if you haven't found it yet
You can live in it but I pray you don't die in regret
So I will keep you in prayer
Even though I cannot be there
I will keep you in prayer
I pray that my heart is sincere
I'll pray for you
To accept Jesus too
And follow through!
Yes I will keep you in prayer
Even though I cannot be there
I will keep you in prayer
I pray that my heart is sincere
I'll pray for you
To accept Jesus too
And follow through!

Thursday, February 24, 2022

We Have The Means written by Sheldon Manoo

Trouble and confusion and pain and war and uncertainty
Plunged into what seems to be an abyss of hopelessness
Murder by day by night by wrong by right by anybody
Turn off the news, points of views ignorance might be bliss
To believe there's happiness

But we do have the means to protect our soul
We may not be able to protect our world
But love is not entertainment value
Love is from the highest virtue
And this love is the means to free us
For this love was demonstrated by Jesus

The virus of fear mongering and false promises and prophecy
The mental strain on the vulnerable of every society
Natural human made disasters of control and manipulation
Inter religious wars even in our own congregation
There is a realization

That we have the means to end our uncertainty
We must believe that this can set us free
For those who believe in other things let them be
We're to love not to judge anybody
For this love is the means to redeem us
From this very tumoltuous existence

No it is not easy to love in this way
For there is heartbreak every minute of every day
Yeshua is not only a story written in religious texts
There are facts in other historical context
Not about race, a religion or geographic location
About a way, grace, redemption restoration
A truth beyond our most intelligible deciphering
We have the means to obliterate senseless suffering
If we use what we need and share the rest
Exterminate our greed and try our best
To create a community of reaping and sowing
Teaching what we're preaching while doing and mentoring
We have the means we have the guide
A unified spirit in our mind on our side
Paradise on earth that's treated just and kept clean
Each and every one of us, we have the means!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Broken World by Sheldon SB Manoo (17/02/22)

And the lights went out for half a day
And millions of lives were affected in a way
Sorry is all the overseer will say
For with our livelihood is just a game they play

But we allow this injustice so ultimately the blame is on me
And me being every body
All who stood by during history
And said ok let us watch , wait and see

While foolish decisions were being planned
By leaders who never sought to understand
The environmental and impact of the people of the land
All the creatures that kiss the sky and bless the sand

We allow people to be uprooted from their home
To create wealth in another zone
Leaving vulnerable families all alone
Stealing their precious metals and stones
Stoning the brave who sought equity and equality
Making them martyrs for a song or story
Not as a way for others to be
For this is for entertainment purposes only

Tyrannical propaganda in audio visual art
Has tainted the mind and the heart
Love is as important as a fart
Cause from its origin we depart
And departure has become our mantra
Even from the Holy scriptures
We have molded the Word of our Creator
To suit our humanitarian agenda

Now there is internet and electronic wealth
Pharmaceutical and organic health
For one cure there is another pain felt
A pants with no loops to secure the belt

We waste time effort and money to explore existence in space
When we haven't explored the genius of the human race
Giving the deserving people the support and space
To make a significant sensible advancement in our place

God moves in mysterious and simple ways
That we have known for many days
But we collectively refuse to start the next phase
To live our purpose instead we stay dazed

For what shall we eat , wouldn't flesh make flesh weaker?
We will justify everything with philosophy and scripture
Negating what was our original nature
Or am I  my siblings keeper or killer?

When we look at the Earth's Savings bank
We have a huge deficit as our rank
Because the wealthy borrow to build a tank
That's too heavy so it sank
Leaving the poor to foot the bill
With income they are waiting to earn still
So like blue crabs in a barrel
They climb over each other so many get killed

That is the dilemma of a broken world
Humanity devalued their soul
Broke the bond that we should behold
Repeating atrocities of which we were told
If you do this then that will occur
But still many choose to prefer
The hope the world offer
And not the will of the world inventor

So to the ones who understand
That power cannot go out in this land
The Broken World is mended by the Hand.
The Spirit and the Sacrificial Lamb!

Friday, February 4, 2022

Say Alot of Prayers ( Say A Little Prayer For The Children by Oliver Chapman, additional lyrics by Sheldon Manoo)

The future is here
And we got to be aware
Pulled in so many directions
Of which we must stay clear
I was one of the children that you sang to pray for
Thought the world by now would be so secure
But the sad fact is that the song must be renewed
Cause all our little children need alot of prayers too 

What is gonna happen in a little while from now?
When our time has passed away and the world has turned around
Children now I see, wandering by the streets
Hunger and poverty, someone protect their destiny

Who's gonna be the one?
Who's gonna be around?
I know their times won't be sad!

Say a little prayer for the children
Say a little prayer for the young ones
Say a little prayer that they might grow
To see the world more beautiful
Say a little prayer each night and day
Say it before you pass away
So their hearts will be filled with joy, love and harmony

Like a melody of the legend Oliver
Meaningful words and the sweet vocal he delivers
It's great to know that we could spend the time
Doing this song of hope for future mankind
Because we want to see all little lights shine
Buh wha we observe really blow we mind

They roam the streets at night
They learn to steal and how to fight
Their tender hearts are filled with war
No love they'll find behind prison 's door
They got to be aware
In their minds there must be no fear
Go ahead you must be brave, ohh
Much more love to them you must give
Give them love. Give them hope

We got to say Alot of prayers
Don't give in to fears
Jesus wipe de tears
Give we soul repairs
Though is many years
We eh giving up on cares
As your return it nears
We open we soul ears

Say alot of prayers for the children
Say alot of prayers for the young ones
Say alot of prayers that they might grow
To see the world more beautiful
Say alot of prayers each night and day
Say it before you pass away
So their hearts will be filled with joy, love and harmony

And we will be in the presence of the Almighty! 

Healing written by Sheldon Manoo (04/03/22)

The apostle Mark talks about His healing
And just by the way some of us are feeling
And people that we know and love
We pray for answers from above
But sometimes we forget
Only God knows what's best

It's not about your faith
When we say God is great
And then get bitter
When we don't get the answer
That we fast and pray for
Remember God knows more
And healing

Is for eternity!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Somebody You Love, Respect, Admire written by Sheldon Manoo (02/02/22)

Even though the devil is a liar
Someone you love respect admire
Will very soon retire
Someone you honour and appreciate
Will reach expiration date
For that is the human fate

Well our lives are in the Hand of God
Though we might believe otherwise
There's so much we do to prolong it
If we obey there's a reward
God's not the author of lies
God gave the fruits of the spirit

It seems we're living in a time
Where death is disrespectful
We're cold and disgraceful
Existence is distasteful
We lost control of our mind
Bitterness projected
Smart solutions rejected
We seem unaffected
Though the hurt ravages our brain
This insanity feels so sane
Just pray don't complain
For no one is to blame
Even if there is a culprit
Knowing who won't help us
solve it
Cause if we refuse to accept the facts
Our redeemer we attack

Yet very soon 
Before another moon
Someone you care for so deep
Will fall into eternal sleep
You may wonder you may cry
You never lived until you die

I would want to say thank you and I love you
To everyone I ever knew
Could have been a minute or many years
I would like to say a prayer
Knowing God will hear
That all who are broken get repaired
I want to be wise and kind
Help change the hateful mind
To not let death keep you dying
I will receive any help
Advice for myself
As long as I have breath to keep trying

For I will be gone too
No matter what I do
I pray to leave a upright legacy
For those who wish to remember me
Remember these words I say
Jesus is the way
For you and everyone you respect love and admire
And remember the devil is a liar