Saturday, February 26, 2022

WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYER written by Sheldon Manoo 22-25/12/2020

I can't love you if there are things to hate
But I love you because of my Faith!
I said Yes to Jesus as Lord of my life
The Heart of Jesus will be my guide!
And I will keep you in prayer
Even though I cannot be there
I will keep you in prayer
I pray that my heart is sincere
I'll pray for you
To accept Jesus too
And follow through!
There are many uncertainties in this life
Truth has been clouded by mankind
No other saviour has made a blood sacrifice
And lived in humble subjection to pay the ultimate price!
For our sins!
When you know better
You got to show better
I cannot be that unbeliever
When I experienced such miracles
When you understand
You must teach others and
You may not have learnt all the answers
But the Spirit of Jesus is practical
And nothing we think we know
Was not written so long ago
The Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth
Has the answers to heal all hurt
But if you hear and don't pay heed
You'll never find what you need
And if the Word you try to twist it
The ultimate truth will resist it
For that Word walked as Flesh
Who man has then put to death
But that Death was the Lamb of Sacrifice
For Salvation and Grace to enter our lives
You might label me as Christian
There is no hope in Religion
Jesus Saves and to understand that
Walk along His worthy path
Rituals and customs are for discipline
For mental and physical conditioning
The spiritual aspect is filled with love
Not fickle favour but deep enough
To love the ones who would betray you
And the ones who'll come to slay you
Jesus is no lottery ticket
He owned no bed or chair to sit
Possessions are blessings for Jesus's cause
Nothing in this world will ever be mine or yours
We fool ourselves incandescently
To believe excessive wealth will erode our misery
Jesus is The King of all the kings
His Kingdom is beyond these earthly things
If His is not the knowledge and wisdom you seek
All you own just makes you weak
The only strength that is worth your time
The spiritual strength in Jesus you find
And it is not to late if you haven't found it yet
You can live in it but I pray you don't die in regret
So I will keep you in prayer
Even though I cannot be there
I will keep you in prayer
I pray that my heart is sincere
I'll pray for you
To accept Jesus too
And follow through!
Yes I will keep you in prayer
Even though I cannot be there
I will keep you in prayer
I pray that my heart is sincere
I'll pray for you
To accept Jesus too
And follow through!

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