Sunday, December 15, 2019


{Acoustic guitar interlude}
Spoken: Come, come over hon, come listen to me
            I have this song I wrote for you
            I want you to hear it
            I hope you like it
            It goes like this!

Verse 1:
I’m thinking back on the first time
Your mother and I made love
It’s still fresh in my mind
It’s a memory I won’t shake off
She had been my soul mate
She had been my best friend
We have the kind of love
We knew nothing could make end
But that didn’t include her falling down those steps
To never go up again

I still remember the time she told me she was pregnant
We were in the middle of some kinda argument
I just held her and I kissed her
Kissed you on her belly
And we never did argue again

And you were only eight months old when she died
Both of us for a long long time we cried
It was so hard to raise a girl for a man
I hope I am doing as good as anyone can
And my daughter I love you with all my soul
I wanna protect you from this wicked world
Sometimes when I say no and you really want to go
Please understand honey it’s this fear I hold

            Take care my dear
            In this life we’re living here
            There are some people who wanna hurt you
            And some friends will desert you
            Though I wish I could always be there
            Life ain’t all that fair!
            Take care my dear!

And someday you’ll be older than this
Your body, your mind would mature beautiful
Don’t let no boy deceice you by his kiss
You know I won’t let you take no bull----
I will try to teach you to be a fair person
Honest and sincere person
With values high and righteous
With values yeah just like us
You can talk to me about anything baby
I know for I lived with an open minded lady
And she taught me everything I’ll teach to you
I’ll try to impart proper behavior unto you
Now I’d raise you to be a disciplined child
A young lady filled with true pride
And I don’t ever want to see a low life get you
Or want you hold any love regret too
It don’t matter what’s his financial status babe
Just as long as he loves you and enjoy doing it

            I hope you find someone who deserve you
            When you find someone who take you from me
            You know I’d always be there to count on
            You’re always my precious little girl
            I’m your forever daddy!

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