Saturday, January 22, 2022

ECHOES (1999) by Sheldon Manoo


Love Peace Equality
Hate War Segregation
Justice Liberation Truth
Hindrance Oppression Lies
Birth Wisdom Trust
Death Ignorance Deceit
Romance Desire Faith
Bore Careless Despair
Strong Content Tolerable
Weak Greedy Unbearable
Heaven Good Angelic
Hell Evil Impish
Save Praise Accept
Kill Blaspheme Resent
Live Laugh Loud
Die Cry Soft
Perfect Learnt End
Human Young Never

Every Word Whisper a Thousand ECHOES!


Black is not the opposite of white,
Dark is not the opposite of light,
Each is more like an absence of each other;
Knowing more than others doesn't make you more successful in being human but knowing less does have its' disadvantages,
All roads lead home I've heard some wise people say,
And home is a place for the spirit that dwells within the body, to make some ways until it is ready to rest eternally- the mythical heaven.
And in the meantime we are led to believe in beliefs
But how are we to decide who's belief is the most righteous?
How do we develop the consistency of concepts?
Can any one do a task or a piece of work that every single organism can appreciate wholeheartedly, without a spear thought that denounces the authenticity of the product?
Questions are not the opposite of answers, but more so a result of each other and so too is man and woman, male and female in every platoon of life.


Love is an infinity of definitions and then some,
Personally it is my answer for all the questions that nobody ever dared to ask!
It is the illusion, the desire, the waking dream that every individual deny themselves from believing that they need,
It is to love the water you drink and the water of woman-life water.
To hold the grace and pride of knowing that you are who you are and what you are because it' s where you want to be and it's where I, and everyone else, wish for you.
Behind all the bitter thoughtless acts and selfishness,
It's the freedom of sensuality,
Of expression and praise
And thanks
And a million more phrases that I an uneducated in, to write about.
When love enters your spiritual realm
And your emotional psyche, you can tell,
And even your body will carry simultaneous reactions that will make you realize love has conquered you,
Or more so you have been baptized by love
And you will feel it with every step you take, as a tender stroke in tune with the earth and the balance, with the connection of all the other roaming spirits.
Love is more than the love you or I know!


This lies within, but, who looks within to carry out daily activities?
Walking aimlessly to do the very same thing that you despise- your job,
In more instances it has to do with money!
Do you think you can buy 'peace of mind?'
Well, it's worth ninety-nine million, seven hundred and forty-eight thousand, three zillion, twenty-six billion, five hundred and seventy-one cents, for the ignorant,
But for the willing it is worth one black cent from Utopia, and to convert that to the currency of your country, it pretty much amounts to zero dollars and no cents.
Peace is a calmness of thoughts and actions, inside and outside of your personality.
Peace is the resting of ones' conscience.
A subtle breeze blowing through your brain, cooling, refreshing and enhancing an enlightening smile inside your soul.
Peace is a principle of love.


This is the segregation of biasness from thankfulness, an honest knowledge of oneself, the identity that gives your appearance, being able to understand you and who you are- your beauty, your talents, your compassion, your reasons for laughter and your reason for tears.
It is also an understanding of every other human being, and animal, or insect or any other specie for that matter.
Now, it is not about understanding their thoughts but their existence and accepting it as part of your being here also.
This ability to see through the eyes of the mind and hear through the ears of the conscience and to understand the balance of moments-the balance of life itself.
Equality is an even spread of all the social, political, domestic and public affairs that occur within any community and in every family or friendship or workplace or any other place that crowds gather.


War is a result of hate, which was cultivated by segregation, bred by those influential aristocrats that spread propaganda, and eminent dreams, that are derisive of fiction, that cause friction, as well as nonsensical tension amongst the dense population.


Justice is a spitfire's moment of popularity, it is a tool used by the chancellors and the lords to keep the poor and oppressed-poor and oppressed.
An illusion created by imaginary protectors and noblemen, and saints who were designated to look after the rest of us.
It is 'their' way of keeping you against you, sending a sane person insane.
That is how 'they' get their kicks.
But can we ever find those overseers?
The answer is no!
Their justice is not justified or justifiably appreciated by the multitude.
But we shall rise and overcome this onslaught of their injustices!
To feel the celebration of the liberation, which is freedom of the mind, the body and the spirit, from all the elements and factors that changes your attitude.
To be at one with the wind.


Truth is the deliverance of fact and actuality. The clearance of mental disturbance from the memory.
It is the ability to reason, even after years of misinformation and psychological abuse.
It is the foresight of actuality.
The knowledge of eminent occurrence, it is uncontrolled by destiny but shifts and prolongs as a result of.
It is the agreement of understanding and believing in what is, is what was always meant to be.


Hindrance is the distraction and annoyance of truth and justice.
Oppression is the forceful and even to the extent of graceful plagiarism of a people.
It's the killing of hopes, dreams and expectations, as well as, the harsh communications and abilities to resolve any simple difference- like wealth, complexion and religion.


Lies are almost all that are real in society, amongst the political leaders and other prominent figures of a country, that's in a state of an invisible anarchy-and that's almost ninety-nine percent of the countries of the world.
It is also the keeping of secrets that are relevant to an individual's happiness, especially those who are involved in marriages or any other strong emotional kind of relationship.
Lies are the most powerful destructive force in any given affair.


Birth is the beginning of a journey, an idea or a life itself, it's the coming into existence of morals and people.
Wisdom is knowing the difference of wrong from right and all the subsidies and being able to manipulate people in a conscious and positive direction,
To lead and to understand the need of a people and to give them the courage within themselves to vanquish and conquer their needs, pillaging all the negative energies that stand as obstacles in their path.
Trust is the ability to believe in someone more than you do in yourself, without second thoughts,
To know that everything they do or say is what is and what will be, on no conditions, with no doubts forming inside your head.


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