Saturday, January 22, 2022

Sheldon Manoo April 2014, Poetry Month, 30 Day Writing Challenge

DAY 30: My Two Shillings and Six Pence’s
I enjoyed the challenge to write each day in April
Sharing feelings and opinions as word art
Looking into the souls of others as well
Some respect and admiration was imparted
To Mickel Alexander who put me to the challenge
Be blessed in your mission and vision for poetry
To the young master Ms Liz Matthew
Bless you for the concise poetic imagery
As well as your support and encouragement
This has been a month splendidly spent
Thought processors like Ismael Ho
Playing with words like country limbo
I enjoyed your insight and your rhythmic flow
Words cannot fail for in your veins poetry grow
Also blessings to Abioye Munashe for your comments
And the lyrics that you chose to vent
And my sister in the art Gillian Moor
This journey shared with you was great for sure
This was a time spent with people I admire
Brought out emotions I thought had retired
To my wife Crystal, who is my yin
Who keeps me rooted against the wind
Nzingha Job the master artisan of voice, instrument and words
One of the finest souls in the world
It was an honour sharing this occasion with you
As well as Omavi Langevine too
The experience with all the brilliant minds
Kept my mind active and made me understand
That poetic expression would always adapt
To the climate, the time and the virtue of human
To all who read, made comments and likes
I hope something stays that help brighten your life
Though the month of poetry has come to a halt
Poetry is a way of life for every breath we take
May your muses keep you inspired and true
As more challenges in life we bravely face 

DAY 29: The Mouth Pens of Social Interaction
There is no society
that maintains sanity
without poetry
Words are weapons of naturopathic medicine
breathing life and hope into minds
blistered by radiated imagery
that destroys the self consciousness
With calypso rhythms and chutney feet
iambic rapso-metre and pantastic rhymes
We penetrate the vulgarity of dominant
forces by accentuating our limboic lingo
into the melee
Freedom of speech and poetic expression has
been embedded into the DNA of our social fabric
Our brilliant mas costumes
not the bikini bead barebottm ass-tistic displays
but the creative minds who were forged form
the changberkelyterryminshallpativan
visual poetry in motion
The way we drink beer and eat doubles
poetry of the digestive system
the ability to wine
poetry in the waist gyration
The spoken word geniuses who made our tense society feel enlightened
The new age masters of word articulation
Those who put movements to their Two Cents
Who Open Up and make sensual comments
Who circulate Poetic Vibes
Who advocate True Talk with No Lies
Who project Reflections of Our Oral Traditions
The Circle of Poets with fascination
Who guards the Poet Society of Trinidad and Tobago
The One Mic with many voices that glow
U and We speaking to the intellectual mind
The Voices of a master design
The spirited sharers of the Conscious Cafe
The closet poets of every day
who write to protect their mental state
project for them self a different fate
in this land with such a small population
there is a multimedia artist in everyone
whether or not their art is seen or heard
there is a function-able healing for every artistic word
For I now I am not alone
Human to Human are actual clones
what I feel many others feel
what I hide others would reveal
what I do others have done and others will again
my strength in this world has always been the pen
not for accolades and popular recognition
I do for it is just a mission
whatever the outcome may be
I hope someone someone learns from the way I see
Cause whether the leaders of the day
find or don't find the importance of what poets say
Poets will always have to say anyway
For a true poet's soul no one can pay
No prize is greater than
"That poem touched me and
I will reconsider my position"
A poem is a catalyst for a revolution
A poem is a song of love devotion
A poem is an intimate thrusting sensation
A poem is a mental awakening mechanism
A poem is a mind changer towards racism
In order for any ancient, modern or future society
To maintain any form of decent integrity
Within the majority that appears as minority
Poetry is the root of the freedom tree.
Write On!
Right on!
DAY 28: Regrets (Italian Quatrain Ode to Rennie)
Rennie, so sorry for hitting you hard
You were only a child left in my care
It comes to mind after so many years
Your constant crying had made me so mad
I really would like to see you today
With hopes that you are doing really well
and this burden be lifted when I tell
you I am sorry and you say okay
I have prayed that life turned out well for you
Seeing the despair your father was in
But he wanted to keep you there with him
Cause my mother would have taken you too
I expected him to drop you again
and stay in the abandoned house close by
Life rapidly changes and time so flies
Not a word from your dad or you since then
I wonder if it was my wicked cuff
That made you say you don't want to go back
I am so sorry for doing you that
and pray that blessings flow to you enough!
DAY 27: Acrostic of a Super Hero In Training
Saviour of women and children in distress
Helping law and justice to co-exist
Elevated by powers of foresight
Limiting criminal activities and corporate blight
Diverges the sting of satanic temptations
Overcoming the urges of sensual damnation
No weakness known to hamper success
Mutual respect from fellow super human friends
Always ready to tackle any impish deed
Not corruptible and shares the powers so all can succeed
DAY 26: The Lazy Ones (Fro Proximate Sietel)
Schedule me another meeting with the Chinese
There is so much more money to be made
Victoria, accompany me on this trip
I'll let you join my mile high parade
Never mind China, India has better quality
Those lazy low lives make a better fit
Here we will even get a higher profit
DAY 25:And The List Goes On
Not long after creation of humans
and the free fill implanted
Woman and mankind found a deceptive factor
that has never been eradicated
Stories have been told
of deception and deceit
Many hearts of men have been blackened
and these stories continually repeat
The crime of murder has been
institutionalized as the most horrific one
That is only one aspect of evil
for the list goes on and on
We need not investigate too far
to understand the perils of genocide
But men have cursed other men
for a false sense of human pride
Corporations have destroyed
livestock by the millions
Poisoned our waters that mutated
the marine by trillions
The ozone raped by polluted smoke
now the beautiful sun offers radiation
These evil does escape conviction
and so their wrath goes on and on
The abusers behind closed doors
of body , mind and soul
Has tainted the generations
to now wreak havoc on this world
Machinery and gadgets and visions
pulsating intermittently on the mind
Created intellectual zombies
who cannot interpret that they are unkind
Desensitized and demoralized dwellers
progressively induce evil to the earth's population
In the land, sea, air, cyber space and outer space
evil lurks and the list goes on, too much to mention!
DAY 24: Vision 2020
With the contentment that labors had not been in vain
And chemistry of atoms need not be assisted
With an ability to interpret signals of the fused and mutated status quo
Where dream-hope projection infiltrate the existing dogma
Femur strengthened by elements of unperturbed natural conditions
The six senses alert for perception and computation
A catalyst for an addition to a more sense driven population
Without the turbulence of lost quality relations
Wealth of nobility interspersed with financial articulation
And sensible deliberation with every decision
Whatever graces me I spread to my connected population
In a planet inhibited by no false proclamation
Would at times like to be sitting by the river
Waiting for a fish
Just holding my pole
I hope I get my wish
Would at times like to be standing on a mountain
Waiting for a fume
Just breathing secured air
Enthused by natural perfume
Would at times like to be sitting in a room
Waiting for an art
Among like-mind company
Even taking part
Would at times like to be with just one other
Flaked in intimate passion
To climb the Everest of X-tasy
Both deriving satisfaction
Would welcome less traumatic conditions
More comedic and uplifting situations to be listed
With the contentment that labors had not been in vain
And chemistry of atoms need not be assisted
Moses and Jesus even Abraham Lincoln
Mr Jim Steinman and Dear John Lennon
Mahatma, Marcus, Mandela, Malcom
Their teachings unto my mind was welcomed
There is not one but I have many
Like Crystal Katerson and John F Kennedy
There are no names and too many to be naming
These are a few of my favorite teachings
I've learnt from poets and radio deejays
Some from the straights and some from the gays
From dogs and dolphins and elephants too
All knowledge recycled for nothing is new
What father said
What mother told
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
There are people like Mr Osbert Fergussion
Who would have taught me more than one lesson
Also should say Mr Simon Carimbocas
From his example I can keep focus
Ones who write lyrics, ones who play music
The ones with kind and generous spirits
Protect the earth and use resources wisely
These are the ones who taught much to me
Though I could perhaps write names whole day
Of those that taught things along the way
But I don't think so, I would just say
Thanks for this challenge in the month before May
To all who read (reed)
And all who read (red)
Must say I'm glad
Hope that I too can put forth teachings
That is not just a fad
Credits to Oscar Hammerstein II Copyright 1959
DAY 22: THe Scandal of The Crush
The history of the metaphorical heart
existing within the brain cavity of the human mind
has stored information of multi-emotional situations
Many vivid occurrences are logged there
For instance, she was the niece of my in-law
and I thought she was so cool
But was I a fool
For while I wrote poems to impress her
She was interested in my brother!
DAY 21: Dear Me of Then
If you were to tell me the truth
I would not believe
For deception is my antidote for pain
I fool myself to believe
This world is a kind place
Though I won't see, you will
I have only examples of mankind's inhumanity
But you will see the full wrath of their hatred
I wish for you though
That my kind heart keep beating
Even while it bleeds
I pray you keep possession
Of my naive innocence
If only as a bolthole
From what your existence would surely be
DAY 20: The Great Enmity
You see, ah had opportunities grand
couda been a big shot in dis land
buh every time ah decide to do it
meh conscience say to quit
i see meh cousin driving big time car
saying it easy like da!
it hah real people doing this ting
and real money making
but when I try to sell it too
meh mind tell meh not to see it thru
i see ministers in government
supporters lives getting improvement
dey tell meh, boy come yuh go get something
but meh heart just could not bring
meh body to be where dey say
so ah still ketchin meh arse today
Ah tried to be greedy and selfish
and corrupt to accomplish
greater material gains in dis life
but meh heart say dat not nice
So ah come to realise
it hah no winning false prize
when yuh have a pure conscience and mind
yuh hah do what is right all de time
so the greatest enemy that I find
is the one inside my mind
who keep me poor humble and kind
Ah guess preparing me for greater rewards in another place and time!
DAY 19: Democracy Left Planted
Did fight for control of the economy, unsuccessfully so
Lies and deceit not given a chance to grow
People denied the greatest political force they would ever had come to know
DAY 18: Frown of the Flora
Green with envy for a planet left in the hands of the incapable
Providing transformations to make their own ilk comfortable
while desecrating the botanic
Standing here rooted in abortive observation
Victims of a sordidly vile subjugation
of a mentality increasingly demonic
I root, once enshrouded the global perimeter
aesthetically exhuming alluring gaseous emissions
that enhanced the inhabitants for growth, stability and purity
now has become victimized and purposelessly mutilated for their misconception of sustainable development
jungles of minced stone diluted cannot provide pivotal strength of foundation
Everything uprooted from it's origin becomes a weaker version
but they are too crass to come to this realization
so destruction of nature ensues
Our stand against is vigorously bulldozed
We applaud those of their ilk who oppose
the presenters of our telepathic views
The creator, predestined us to predominate
but you pollarded us to not heighten great
lied to say you have dominance
Dominance mean holistic intelligence
which lacked progressively in your deliverance
now we have lessened and exist by chance
DAY 17: Through Your Eyes (Ballade)
To me I think that I am wise man
who can bring to fruition the thoughts I think
whether anyone believe that I can
their thoughts would not bother me a small wink
At times when I'm angered and tickled pink
I am still willing to open, receive
Come , show me that I am the missing link
Like a fool who will follow and believe
Not knowing fully what has been the plan
especially when the grand favors shrink
Others would proclaim to not understand
forthrightly I would unfasten the kink
Like civilization was on the brink
I possess courage to valiantly heave
No foresight so I wiggle while I sink
Like a fool who will follow and believe
Through your eyes I appear to take a stand
no fumes inhaled or mind altering drinks
You might perceive me as a great human
who would stare danger without taking blinks
and may even figure that my instinct
is to lead and would vibrantly achieve
but my revolution is only ink
Like a fool who will follow and believe
I am here now but would soon be extinct
and for my battles lost many would grieve
not comprehending or getting a hint
Like a fool who will follow and believe
Politicians the world over has tainted the servitude nature of their profession
They've become a symbol of lies, deceit and embedded in self gratifying corruption
Fortunately the world need not look too hard to find an absolute politician
For politics is a way of life in my humble opinion
Mandela wins all accolades hands down
A beacon to the world from the South African sun
The time spent in incarceration
Built character and built determination
Advocate for a revolution
A catalyst that changed a nation
To do what had to be done
For the advancement of a civilization
The Mandela that made the other Mandela rise to the occasion
Sacrificed her love for a country's liberation
To me is a mind blowing situation
To not think of self but the population
Is definitely the world's greatest uncrowned politician
Winnie! Long live your spirit of compassion!
DAY 15: (Ba Proximate Sietel)
Togetherness is synonymous with happiness
Every aspect of living is heightened
To balance ideals between the other and you
Even disagreed moments is eventful
For I been lonely, coupled and heartbroken
True contentment is found in sharing moments
This is my advice for everyone’s every breath
The Ba Proximate Sietel is where the first line ends with s, the second line starts with E, the third line ends with v, i or u, the fourth line starts with E, the fifth line ends with n, the sixth line starts with T and the last line ends with h. There is no rhyme scheme in this form but there can be if so desired.
DAY 14: Life Without Death (Free Verse)
Memories are the songs that play in my internal satellite radio broadcasting via my membrane antenna
Videos of smiles and blissful times intermittently project like ethereal tangible holograms
Vivid are the moments of departure of dear ones to me for I said my final goodbye to many
Mona, mi abuela, left when nothing was understood by my conscious self
Ethelbert, nana, exited at a time of less naive innocence
At the end of primary school education
At the start of the July-August vacation,
came the one that stunned my mind and possibly became a catalyst for my tendency to express myself in lyrical formation
The man I known as Bone Oy, who lived with us, who swept the yard, filled water in the barrels and went off to work, who never seemed to fuss, brought little things like snacks and fruits and money to my seven other siblings and me
And many nights I slept cradled in his arms, he was my protector from the boo boos of the night
He was no more
Now as a grown man with the realization that real life is far more complex and mysterious than any fictional creation for real life is bacchanal in definite obtrusive projections
Bone Oy was my mother's married mate, which I knew to some extent but never internalized
My father was the man I got one of my middle names and my surname from, he was always a part of my life and like part of the family, he and Bone Oy even got along really well
Another major blow was at the end of my five year college sentence in the month of that year's Christmas
Phone call came....accident... mother's best friend died....mother in hospital....driver and other front seat passenger unhurt....
10 days... no words from open eyes...she was breathing...
Like five years before, the only day I went to visit Bone Oy was his last day on earth..
I dreaded the same....
My dread became prediction that came to pass
Angela passed!
Mamie gone!
The tears that didn't flow then flowed many times as my years increased like they are welling up now as I write this and would come again as life goes on for me.
Sonny re-entered our lives due to my brothers belief that he could no longer be independent as he was approaching seventy,
Once again I had a father in my room
The agony of his deceit and the poverty he inflicted onto us, the stress my elder brothers and sister endured had come to an understandable resolve
I appreciated him, still did not accept his racial tendencies, his drinking and Mannish behavior,
but I was the one that carried his name so I was the one to take care of him
It was okay he was a strong seemingly fit man, he cooked, he cleaned and helped pay bills from his meager pension,
notwithstanding the fact that he gave away wealth of assets and we could have been fairly rich people,
It was bearable!
He was diabetic.. after years of alcohol consumption among other things, no surprise there
He had a habit of cutting his toe nails with a razor blade, he did this at least once a month, no scene
Sometime in the middle of 2006 he cut his toe and didn't bother with it, until I noticed the black spot one day while he was walking with a limp amputation....nursing amputation....second nursing home....cardiac arrest!
Sonny, the man with many lives, many children..many I don't know, many careers
The man who was significant to parts of this country's history in ways that will never be told, for he stood in the background as an assistant to developers, played football with a sport hero who became a politician, outwitted a lawyer who became a prime minister, saved a major company a million dollars in the fifties, refused to be part of the $50 heist of 1979, refused to join a major security company that brought drugs and guns into this country and even stood up to Sat on behalf of Sat's father in law Badase.
The man with weird ideals and whose legacy I inadvertently carry on
was gone as well!
Death has become a part of my life that I have to live with as long as I live for I cannot live with death when I die
but I have lost aunts,uncles,cousins, co-workers, school mates, lots of my heroes and legends..some even before I entered life..
I lost very dear friends and inspirations!
Many odes to Ayana Dardaine, Keisha David, Dean "Bamboo" Sylvester,Jeffrey Logie and those that wish to remain nameless.
I can't pray for a life without death
And I know my death would be met
I'll try to live without regret
Less worries less time to fret
Live right and just let
Forgive ,you may not forget
Be grateful for what you work to get!!
DAY 13: The Intangible Best Friend (single verse Ottava Rima)
Recalling a time of comfort, kindness
I held trust so vividly important
Candid fears were dismantled and dismissed
Heartbeat mellowed at a pace so constant
Alleged safety projected utter bliss
Relishing memories now is a front
Dear friendship now has become lost, extinct
Silently loud our love, trust stays as ink
DAY 12: God's View (terzanelle)
Go forth and and multiply wisely
My last word is so often forgotten
by the free will I gave humanity
My creations formulate their reasons
and twists the laws that I evoked
for their own agendas to have meaning
Counseled unions will surely work
but mankind has perpetuated lies
and twists the laws that I evoked
An unborn would need both parental ties
This would promote harmonious existence
but mankind has perpetuated lies
and generated from me a long distance
but if they were to heed my word
This would promote harmonious existence
Listen again to what occurred
Go forth and and multiply wisely
but if they were to heed my word
Free will I gave humanity
DAY 11: The Mystery of 370 (haiku)
searching waters for
debris that vanished into
thin air oblivion
DAY 10: Survival's Lament & The IMPerical Membrane (Free Verse/Abstract/Innovative)
Progress is a sordid deceptive undulating persecution of equitable in-habitation of the third spherical solar relation
Education contorts amicable mentalities to produce a pseudo hatred of the impoverished
Observation permits a comprehensive overview and internalization that those left with passionate human compassion suffers from provocation and vivid torment by social interaction dwelling under the status quo perpetuated by vision-less intellectuals.
Reneviered for absolution distracts immortal continuity bewildered in a temperament like a Companjalaa shout from within my self made incarceration of belief knowing fully that deceit is my Escoba
Pharadeenic tendencies degenerates mental utopia to enslave the free will creators bestowed unto the humanly creation that formulates my varying biophysical matter
Pornographic speculations, murderous subjugation and distorted perceptions of realities infiltrate my kind and virtuous embellishment to burn the light within that justify the dark thoughts that masquerade as intelligible purposes
Cra Untu Baka Tici Tucoo is my internal understanding but brazen that all else are fictional and not justifiable and armageddonic termination should befall each that believe in an ulterior truth
Reneviered is being a major functional part of an entity whilst not being attached..
Companjalaa is a call for a mental revolution to lead to a social revolution...
Escoba is the ultimate sacrifice and uncompromising state of loving someone...
Pharadeenic (Pharadeenah) is the ultimate state of equity and balance of all that exist in the universe...
Cra Untu Baka Tici Tucoo is an expression simply stating One God of Absolute Truth, Many Subdivisions...
IMPerical is the use of Imp and Imperial with the insertion of c to create a twist in the title...
armageddonic is creating an adjective-like play on Armageddon
DAY 9: La Tierra de la Dictadura (Fro Proximate Sietel)
Sanity is a dictatorship
Though many would disagree
Vibrant equity can permeate in communism
If minds were opened enough to see
No other governing structure is fair
Once Cuba's leader portrays honest grit
His people would defy the sadistic myth
(The Fro Proximate Sietel is where the first line starts with S, the second line ends with e, the third line starts with V, the fourth line ends with e, the fifth line starts with N, the sixth line ends with t and the last line starts with H.Also the second and fourth lines rhyme and the sixth and seventh lines are a rhyming couplet.)
DAY 8: The JG Incident (Rhyme Royal)
Locked in my memory was a moment
of the colour purple and sweet perfume
I was so intrigue by the fruity scent
Like from her hair roots a flower had bloomed
and the beat of my heart had just resume
I did not have to work my mind to chance
for she came and asked me to share a dance
For over forty five minutes we held
on to each other like our love was long
I never been kissed, I completely fell
When she said close your eyes I fell so strong
She inspired me to write a love song
into my heart so now I was captured
without thinking it would soon be ruptured
She wanted what I was not ready for
Her secrets were not provided to me
When they came to light I held on for sure
She stopped communication suddenly
Left me in the dark, insecurity
Consistently my mind and eyes they cried
Relationships for years I then denied
but as time brought me some sense and reason
I no longer view her as a cold bitch
As a youth we tend to lack clear vision
react biter to situations which
we can utilize as a thread to stitch
the soul's tapestry for future passions
She is a thread in my social fashion
DAY 7: The Kidnapping (Free Verse Dialect-Rhymed)
Now with all de crime and ting
Is ah big fuss wen chile go missing
Buh ah remember wen ah was ah young chile
Meh fadda break down de board partition in meh room and carry meh fur ah ride
He buy ice cream and cake and carry meh to ah house wit ah nice lady
She geh meh some nice food and some hot chocolate tea
Later in the night wen ah was sleeping
Ah wake up to de sound of ah quarrelling
Meh mudda and she brothas was in de road outside
Shoutin' Sonny, bring meh chile!
She take meh, hug meh and carried meh home
Only now that ah fully grown
Ah could look at dis incident in another perspective
And realise wot de sweet part is
At that time it was scary
Meh mudda say she go bring de police
But looking back at meh life and all memories
With mudda and fadda gone in de land of eternal sleep
If is one time in meh life fur sure
Their love and want for me was expressed galore
Fadda kidnap meh to live wit he and he lady
Mudda come for me wit she little army
Blessed love Angela and Sonny
Thanks for life and ah go treasure all yuh memories
DAY 6: The Timeline of Trust (Minute Poem)
Understanding trust deviates
with growing dates,
While being young
you trust someone
who is close to you at the time,
With age you find,
friendship advance,
faith and romance
brings forth a new understanding.
And with this ring
now in my life,
best friend is wife.
P.S: The Minute Poem was originated by Verna Lee Hinegardner consisting of 60 syllables divided into 12 lines. Be Blessed everyone!
DAY 5: A Ram (AG's Sonnet)
I work hard for my beloved country
Creating new ventures and avenues
I am fair to all and sundry
Guided by moral and intellectual values
Justice I fervently seek
My mind I vociferously speak
Face on, no turning of cheek
I am the protector of the weak
With this great power I hold
My responsibility never lacks
I am brave , I am bold
For the masses are dumb to the facts
They see me as vile, wicked and arrogant
But I am loyal, perfectly sane and most intelligent...
DAY 4: Worshipers
Blasphemy secretes like rotted cannabis in an elixir containing vile opium
Spirituality is conditional and segmented by class and gender
Fear dominates love, equity and genuine compassion
Truth is camouflaged and tinted in a Johari window
Hate is obscured by lessens of love repeated like trace music to further enhance the effect of the religious dope
Pray one day then prey the other and induce invocation of a mental persuasion to chant phrases and names as truth and redemption
The existence of an Ultimate Creator and Master Plan Developer of the universe is truth absolute
But the forceful deceit of mankind's' varying beliefs of achieving sanctified oblivion have bitterly woven unjust human assessment
Day 3: For I Don't
Like the flower immortelle
My desire drifts in that complication
To see times of imagination come to fruition
To never fade of colour and of youth
But I am only a being of circumstance
Who was granted the grand opportunity
To exist beyond the infant mortality
To develop and survive through teenage delinquency
Approaching where life begins
And certainly where life life begins brings life closer to termination
Even with the advent of all mythical and fictional fascination
The design is this way
What is to must , must is
So should the choice be mine
When I drift into the restful snore-less sleep
I would like that to be a time when I accomplish my feat
Of living on this planet overshadowed in peace
In justice, equity and love abounded
For I don't want to leave while this earth is anointed by this multitude of demonic characteristics
Before the dawn of existence
Shadows vanquished the sobriety
Encapsulating rigorous torment of the gentle
Enlightenment forged for resistance
Beckoned a warm sincerity
Alighted on the hemispheric mantle
Your light, Your warmth, Your heat
Brought me awe and fascination
Now no dark dweller can defeat
Me, for I'm covered with your insulation
The rising and setting sun is a true friend
Known to all and provides such hope
Dearest inspiration to me that can't end
Light of love where my passions soak
Without her strength I would be weak
Left in the dungeons of uncertainty
For a man is only a figment of his imagination
Without the essential balance of femininity
She has taught me secrets beyond research
She is the line of my insanity
The world could surely disintegrate
I would be safe once she is holding me

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